Goals & Diocesan Philosophy


  1. To demonstrate our Catholic Christian beliefs through behavior, deeds and way of living.
  2. To provide educational learning experiences for each student at John Paul II Catholic School.
  3. To expand student knowledge through creativity, exploration, questioning and independent discovery.
  4. To use the curriculum guidelines of the Diocese of Owensboro.
  5. To help each student become responsible, self-directed and self-disciplined.
  6. To provide a peaceful environment that is essential to improving the student’s attitude and self-concept.
  7. To expect courteous and respectful behavior toward all people.
  8. To aid students in accepting responsibility for their attitudes, behavior and learning.
  9. To offer students opportunities to serve others, both inside and outside the school environment.
  10. To collaborate with the Union County Public School System and other agencies to provide the best possible
    education for all JP II students.



The Catholic School is:

  • A religious community within an academic community.
  • A stable and consistent community setting in which the faith-life of the participants can be nourished and can mature in harmony with their readiness.
  • A setting in which those involved might be comforted and challenged by the Gospel Message, as they come to realize and respond to their relationship and responsibility to God, self and others from a Christian perspective.


Such a task is accomplished by the implementation of the threefold mission of Catholic Education.

The Mission of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Owensboro is to share in the Church’s mission, to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ as lived out in the Catholic Church, which creates a community of believers whose service is a witness of their Christian love.